i remember thinking that our summers were so boring compared to everyone else's. i mean, we didn't have TV! i remember complaining to my mom about this and her simply saying, "you'll appreciate this when you grow up." she was right. i long for those days now when we didn't have a care in the world. i could climb the hill in front of my house and see the entire atlantic ocean from the top. i could walk down the street to a lough that apparently has a drowned castle in the middle of it. aidan and i could go see our friends miles away and walk home at 10pm because it was still light out. we could lie on my front yard and see every star in the sky, as if we were in a planetarium (we could even see the satellites floating in space). we could kick a soccer ball over to the cows just to see them circle and sniff it for hours, unsure of what it was. we could go down to the village and go sailing. we could climb our friend's castle in their backyard. there wasn't anything that we couldn't do. looking back, it was amazing. i miss it.
pic via weheartit